JavaScript: Problems added in March 2016

Problem 2016-03-24-23-49

complexity: 4 ; importance: 5; author: docentmail

Question: Develop an snippet to use "if" statement to alert "type is number" if in case the type variable "theVar" is number, "type is string" if type is string less, "type is something else" otherwise.


Problem 2016-03-24-23-47

complexity: 2 ; importance: 5; author: docentmail

Question: Develop an snippet to use "if" statement to alert "You are to young" in case the variable "age" is less or equal 17.


Problem 2016-03-24-23-45

complexity: 2 ; importance: 5; author: docentmail

Question: Develop an snippet to use "if" statement to alert "The size fits" in case the variable "size" value is greater than 5 but less than 7.


Problem 2016-03-24-23-42

complexity: 2 ; importance: 5; author: docentmail

Question: Modify the snippet to use "if" statement to alert "It is night." in case the variable "isNight" is true and "It is not night." otherwise.